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You say you want a Revolution

Dictator or patriot, Donald Trump is plotting a revolution
Observations: Nerd King Waller

He’s not a hawk, but he is the one to listen to this week
Problems in Bananastan

A free version of “May you live in interesting times, American political instability”
Global entropy: Enter the dragons

Geopolitical disorder emerges as the greatest economic threat
Observations: Immaculate conception

A glaring inconsistency lurks in the Fed’s new forecasts
Can a tiger change its stripes in a typhoon?

Or, how must a globalization champ evolve to fit Localization’s new world order?
Bank of England "Turtle doves" risk poorer UK

“Accepting” responsibility should come before hectoring citizens.
Did QE cause bank failures?

Quantitative easing’s explicit intent was to encourage banks to take more interest rate risk and they seem to have responded. Was that the right public policy? And what does it mean for banks now?